The ‘Tip’ At The End
The foreskin is a vital part of a fully functioning male sexual anatomy. It is the acroposthion, encompassing the ridged band at the tip of the penis that has the greatest potential for pleasure with its extensive network of nerve receptors. It is of vital importance that males become informed of this pleasure potential which is information that’s relatively recent. Many men who possess a long foreskin, (known as the acroposthion) have been ridiculed with nicknames, body shamed and made to feel that there was something wrong with them. This unfortunate behaviour has been known to make those men feel insecure, shamed and to hide their penises. It is also those same men who possess the potential and capacity to access incredible enjoyment and pleasure sensations from their acroposthions. Therefore the view on acroposthions needs to be changed from one of ridicule and derision to that of amazement and wonder.
The history of our relationship to the foreskin is complex. In some cultures the removal of the foreskin has become a ritual and a major part of that cultural identity. It’s virtually impossible to change deeply entrenched cultural views and behaviours, so those cultures and societies which cut off the foreskin aren’t likely to change this practice. However, in the English-speaking countries where circumcision became perceived as a valid medical procedure, the practice was challenged and eventually most decreased and ceased the practice as the perception of valid medical procedure did not stand up to scrutiny.
The speed with which circumcision rates dropped in New Zealand is a prime example of how quickly attitudes to the foreskin can change once those carrying out the practice take on board the latest research. Nevertheless the USA remains an outlier amongst the Anglophone countries that began circumcising as a medical procedure, and is a counter-example of how psychologically resistant some cultures are to change. However, the work undertaken by Intactivists seems to be making an impact…slowly but surely. There is now more factual information available and the internet makes this information accessible to a broad range of people who otherwise wouldn’t have access to such information, which seems to be making a difference in the understanding and awareness of the function and role of the foreskin.
As society becomes ever more aware of the importance of consent in relating to ourselves and to others, isn’t it time that we granted all children sovereignty over their bodies and allowed them to make decisions for themselves that so drastically affect their physicality and psychology? And to do so only once they are mature enough to make informed choices?
And can we reconcile the vast disparity between our perceptions of male and female genital cutting? It is our collective blindness to the value of the foreskin that has rendered us profoundly sensitive to the impact of FGC, yet largely indifferent to its close correlate MGC. The information is now available to allow us to rectify this untenable position.
In that process we should be mindful of the extensive industry that has evolved using foreskins in Bioengineering and Cosmetics technologies. The beauty benefits of foreskin face creams come at a very real human cost, yet most people remain generally unaware of the economic and aesthetic pressures acting against the widespread transformation of attitudes to foreskin in the USA. In this regard this website highlights the financial components which makes circumcision such an insidious but lucrative business in the United States and hopefully make a difference in changing perception and attitudes.
But the transformation that is currently underway runs much deeper and more widely than this. Those with foreskin-related medical conditions such as phimosis should be aware that the global medical profession continues to be under-educated about the importance of retaining the foreskin, and about alternative treatment approaches that can either avoid surgery, or else leave the foreskin largely intact, for example dorsal slit surgery or preputioplasty. It is up to individuals to inform themselves and to make decisions about their own bodies, especially when those decisions are related to intimate sexual functions.
Ultimately this website is about the foreskin’s acroposthion, which is a truly wondrous and phenomenal structure engineered by evolution over millions of years. The ancient Greeks seemed to know about it and they trained the foreskin to lengthen to create an acroposthion. They devised an entire cultural and social value system that having a long foreskin was the epitome of cultural aesthetics. The acroposthion possess within it a tremendous amount of enjoyment and pleasure potential which is only now just beginning to be brought back to people’s attention. It deserves to be appreciated and enjoyed in all its full natural glory.

It took millions of years of evolution to engineer the human foreskin…Appreciate and Love the foreskin and the Acroposthion